Trying to develop this model organisation chart for four years out requires all kinds of information – a lot of which is not currently available – to play into it. This includes having:
1. Clarity on the business strategy e.g. is it predominantly focused on customer segments, on service delivery via business lines, on regions, on partnerships with third parties, on efficiency gains
2. Agreement on the type of organisation we want to be e.g. 'one' organisation, multiple organisations down business lines each competing for resources, several devolved organisations with a central 'holding company' ...
3. Agreement on the style of organisation we want to have e.g. is it non-hierarchical, collaborative, inclusive, expertise based
4. An assessment of the appetite to change things which are hard to change including policies, work flows, supplier contracts, performance metrics (organisational and individual) etc.
5. An assessment of the risk leaders are prepared to assume in any re-design for the future