Wandering around my office last week looking for a functioning stapler I remembered the question from the Gallup Q 12 Survey. 'I have the materials and equipment I need to do my work right'. At the same time I was on my stapler quest I noticed that there was a curious feature related to monitor risers. Because we have fixed risers people have made their own adjustments using a variety of 'risers'. Five examples I noted were: a Fox's biscuit tin, 2 volumes of tax manuals, 3 hard-backed novels (stacked neatly with spines facing front), an A4 file-box, and two reams of paper.
Forgetting the stapler for a moment I recalled the Otto Kroeger and Janet Thuesen article 'Fat is a Typological Issue' that suggests that certain MBTI types are better with certain types of diet. E.g. 'For the NF the motivation to diet is relational. They lose for love.' Fleetingly I thought I might be able to guess the MBTI profile of people by their choice of monitor riser. However, that was a side-track or a 'time monster' as Jennifer Louden has it but is it more of a time monster than looking for a working stapler, or getting your monitor to the right height?